An Introduction of the Research on a Speeding and One-sided Corrugating Machine System 高速单面瓦楞机系统的研究现状
One-sided development view and the imperfect system to assess political achievements; 片面的发展观和不完善的政绩考核制度;
Based on the enumeration of the significant fatigue failure modes of structure system and one-sided tolerance factor, an algorithm for predicting fatigue life of complex structure system is presented. 借助单侧容限系数法和对数准则,提出了一种预测大型复杂结构系统安全疲劳寿命的数值方法。
Outdated educational ideas and one-sided knowledge of values education are important elements hindering successful values education, and constructing a scientific system of socialist values is essential to carrying on youth values education. 教育观念的落后及对价值观教育的片面认识是阻碍价值观教育成功实施的重要因素。进行青年价值观教育最为根本的是建构科学的社会主义价值观体系。
Therefore, we should abandon the one-sided misunderstanding of "Determinism of Economic Development", setting up three kinds of basic social security system, widening the fund resource of social security, and improving the" hematopoiesis "function of family and land securities in the rural areas. 为此,应摈弃经济发展决定论片面化的思想误区,着重建立健全三项农村基本社会保障制度,拓宽农村社保资金来源渠道,提升土地保障和家庭保障的造血功能。
In our country, due to one-sided seeking for the concept of finding the truth of the crime, there are apparent defects in the arrest system in terms of condition of arrest, procedure of review, and judicial remedy. 基于对发现犯罪真实的片面追求,我国逮捕制度在逮捕条件、逮捕审查程序和逮捕救济制度等方面都存在明显缺陷。
We must overcome the tendency of understanding the notions of public ownership and private ownership in a simple, abstract and one-sided way in the process of theoretical thinking and practice concerning the reform of socialist property right system. 在社会主义产权制度改革的理论思考和实践过程中,要进一步克服对公有、私有这一类概念范畴的简单化、抽象化、片面化的理解倾向。
Period-doubling bifurcation of stochastic Duffing one-sided constraint system 随机Duffing单边约束系统的倍周期分岔
In a narrow sense, it also includes individual and one-sided thinking system which may still comply with the ruling class. Generally speaking, the latter always cannot authentically reflect the reality. 狭义的意识形态即包含个人的,同时与统治阶级的统治思想并非相悖的片面的政治思想体系,这种思想体系往往是与现实相歪曲的和错误的认识。
We firstly analyzes the value orientation of the system, and pointed out that one-sided pursuit in the protection of society of the current System of Reeducation Through Labor has become increasingly prominent, and the political and the social environmental correctness have gradually disappeared. 文章首先分析了劳动教养制度的价值定位,并指出现行劳动教养制度片面追求保护社会这一价值的不合理性日益凸显,其政治正确性赖以存在的社会环境也逐步消失。
It mainly speaks the wrong of the Civil Law view of the research of on the Civil Law nature about putting the cart before the horse, and the wrong of the one-sided interpretation on the Civil Law system. 主要说出了这种错误的民法观在民法的本质研究上本末倒置、在民法制度的解释上限于片面和这种观点的盛行可能会导致民法精神的庸俗化。
However, domestic study in this area started lately, most studies are qualitative description 、 one-sided scope of the study and lacking of system. 而国内这方面的研究起步较晚,研究还多处于定性描述阶段,研究范围片面,缺乏系统性,但近年来在生态效益定量研究上做出了很多有意义的尝试,也取得了一定成就。
This mainly because the balance of quantity is always one-sided highlighted, land use control system is not comprehensive and its authority is not fully embodied, dynamic monitor to land protection is behind time, and oversight of law enforcement is not effective. 这主要是由于在政策的实施过程中,耕地总量动态平衡片面强调数量的平衡、土地用途管制制度不全面、权威性未充分体现、耕地保护动态监测不及时与执法监督工作不力。
In order to avoid only grasping the graphics or images on the basis of one-sided viewpoint character level, tool system building by the graphics and images which were grasped from the metaphysical "visual symbols" level provide support for knowledge visual representation. 从而避免了只能抓住图形或图像等形而下层面的盲人摸象特征,从形而上的视觉符号层面把握图形和图像构建的工具体系,为知识视觉表征提供支持。
The one-sided reliance on administrative enforcement and the deliberate and factual inhibition of judicial intervention have brought numerous problems to protecting investors 'interests and to developing the securities market, and have caused plight for the sponsor system. 对行政执法的片面倚重,对司法介入的刻意的、事实上的抑制,给投资者利益保护以及证券市场的发展带来了很多问题,也是保荐人制度困境的根源。